DeTalks with Allison Podcast, EP. 8: Brian Holtzman

Brain Holtzman is a stand-up comedy legend who's worked as a Comedy Store regular for over 25 years. He is the host of Dead Air with Brian Holtzman and you can see him perform regularly in Austin, Texas.

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DeTalks with Allison Podcast, EP. 3: Eric D'Alessandro

Eric D’Alessandro sits down with me even though we don’t really know each other at the beginning of the show. But this is a GREAT conversation about how there’s no one-size-fits-all in comedy - and THAT is why it’s so awesome.

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Why Willpower Will Never Power True Change

Willpower. It’s a major buzzword people throw around. But you only have so much control over it, and if you’re depending on willpower - you’re missing a bigger picture.

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