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RT @EvilMopacATX: Austin always looks so beautiful after a soaking rain
Yo I’m hosting Get Ripped w @BigLaughComedy tonight and Litty Titty Tuesday is back at @creekandcave with…
Just watched Home Alone & it’s crazy how those actors playing the burglars are trump’s lawyers now
Wow in an unprecedented @Target visit today, 3/4 of the swimsuits I tried on fit AND didn’t make me want to kms. Is this body positivity?!
The next Litty Titty Tuesday at @creekandcave is one week from tomorrow - 4/11 - with guest cohosts @goingtothejon…
RT @BigLaughComedy: Happy Monday, y'all! We've got a STACKED week & beyond ahead of us - feat. shows with @vulcanatx, @thealliwo,…
Yo one year ago today I realized I needed to end my engagement…y’all ever realize you got got ON APRIL FOOLS DAY??
RT @jenfulwiler: Important life tip:
I hope to be this iconic one day
First & so far only female @RoastBattle winner at @MothershipATX 😄 last night was a good one